Bed Bug Treatments

Catch the Problem Early
It is helpful to catch a bed bug problem early, before the infestation becomes established or spreads. Since bed bugs can be hard to find and identify, given their small size and their habit of staying hidden, hiring a professional pest control company is vital. Treating a minor infestation is quicker and less costly than one that is widespread. Ameri-Tech are a local pest control company and have been serving Dallas/Fort Worth for over 30 years; Call us in Dallas 214-504-2875 or Fort Worth 817-381-2468.
What's this strange rash?
Recently a sales person returned to the office after a stay in another city meeting with clients. The sales person did not understand a strange rash that started to appear within day or so after the sales trip. After checking with his doctor he found out he had been bitten by bed bugs probably when he stayed over night at the motel. After telling his boss about what happened, the boss called a pest control company to treated the sales persons home, the office and all the employees homes to make sure none of the eggs were transferred to any ones home as a result of the bed bugs and eggs carried on the sales person. If you suspect you may have an infestation call for a free estimate and inspection.