Lavon, TX Pest Control
Pest Control in Lavon, TX - At Ameritech Termite & Pest Control we pride ourselves in offering excellent customer service. We have been proudly servicing businesses and homes in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex for over 30 years. If you need any kind of pest control service in Lavon, contact Ameri-Tech Termite & Pest Control Company. We are a locally owned business that focuses on the total removal of all of your bugs, ants, spiders etc. We care about our customers and you can trust us to do the job right the first time.
Facts About Lavon, TX - Lavon is on State Highway 78 two miles east of Lavon Lake in southeastern Collin County. The rich soils of the Blackland Prairie and the water provided by Bear Creek attracted settlers in the mid-1850s. The St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas Railway laid tracks through the area in 1888. The community adopted the name Lavon in honor of Lavon Thompson, the son of E. C. Thompson, who operated the town's post office, established in 1888. -TSHA
Lavon, TX Pest Treatments
United States
Lavon, TX Bedbugs, Fleas & Ticks - Bedbugs hide in beds, carpeting and rugs, blankets, clothing, underneath wallpaper, under rags, between drape folds, behind wall decorations and behind wood furniture. They love to attack during the night and they will remain active right up until prior to daybreak. Bed bugs bite uncovered skin of a person in an infested bed by leaving red-colored itchy spots. They just don't wander off from sleeping and lounging areas however they are able to travel over 100 feet during the night to search for meals. Bed bugs were once terminated in the US but you are making a comeback with the aid of international travelers. The most common places to discover them are inns and apartment buildings. Bedbugs can survive annually without food. This lets them travel from various locations until they found a comforting place with food. They hide on clothes and suitcases of travelers. Additionally they are in couches and is transferred from property to property through used furniture. Domestic animals like cats have thick fur which makes for a fantastic hiding spot for bed bugs. Riding public transportation like bus, trains and taxis can bring you into contact with bed bugs which you then take to your house. Bed bugs are six legged parasitic bugs that draw human and dog blood. Their size is approximately 1/4 of an inch with an oval flat form.
Rodents In Lavon, TX
Termite Treatment Lavon, TX
Termite Treatment in Lavon, TX - Termite homes tend to be formed around the soil. Inside these piles, subterranean termites construct complex tube systems and then use mud tunnels in which they will access above ground food resources. Dry wood termites live inside wood that they eat as well as getting into and infesting wall surfaces as well as furnishings. Minor actions make a huge difference in wood eating termite prevention along with preserving a wood eating termite treatment plan. Start by removing dampness problems along with termite wood near your residence. These kind of easy steps make your house a less appealing target, helping discourage wood eating termites. Termites are often called silent destroyers, mainly because they are sometimes hiding on your property or in your garden without any indications of damage. All termites eat cellulose based plant materials.