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Pest Control Mesquite, TX, From $59.95* Call For Details

Mice & Rodent Control Mesquite, TX, Bed Bug, Flea & Tick Spraying

Call: 817-589-2844
Mesquite, TX
Pest Control

Mesquite, TX, Pest Control

block snailPest Control in Mesquite, TX - At Ameritech Termite & Pest Control we pride ourselves in offering excellent customer service. We have been proudly servicing businesses and homes in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex for over 30 years. If you need any kind of pest control service in Mesquite, contact Ameri-Tech Termite & Pest Control Company. We are a locally owned business that focuses on the total removal of all of your bugs, ants, spiders etc. We care about our customers and you can trust us to do the job right the first time.

Facts About Mesquite, TX - Mesquite, on Interstate highways 20 and 30 and Loop 635, between Dallas, Garland, and Balch Springs in east central Dallas County, was established by the Texas and Pacific Railway in May 1873 and named after nearby Mesquite Creek. Station agent William Bradfield was the first settler in the town, which attracted residents from the surrounding farm communities of Long Creek, New Hope, Haught's Store, and Scyene. -TSHA

Mesquite, TX, Exterminator

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Mesquite, TX Bedbugs, Fleas & Ticks - Bedbugs are six legged parasitic bugs that draw human and pet blood. Their length is around 1/4 inch with an oval flat form. Their size is similar to an apple seed. Top of the part of their bodies has gold colored hair, antennae and cone like eyes. The bottom part of their own bodies is wrinkly like crinkled paper. Bedbugs are unable to fly but they can crawl very quickly. They will develop and multiply in the temperature range of 70 degrees around 80 degrees. A bed bug, is known as a nymph, they are see-through in color and changes into a red color after eating. To succeed in adulthood, a nymph bed bug must shed its skin approximately five times. A typical female can lay 5 up to 7 eggs each week and may produce around 500 eggs throughout its life expectancy of 12 months to eighteen months. The eggs will hatch out in just 6 to 17 days when they become known as nymphs. Bed Bug eggs are resistant to pesticides or herbicides. Bedbugs hide in mattresses, rugs, bedsheets, clothes, underneath wallpaper, under cloths, between window curtain folds, behind wall decorations and behind wooden home furniture. They love to attack through the night and they will remain active until before daybreak.

Serving Mesquite, TX

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Rodent Control Mesquite, TX

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Termite Sprayed Mesquite, TX

Termite Treatment in Mesquite, TX - Subterranean termites are often called noiseless destroyers, since they are frequently trying to hide in your residence or in your backyard without any signs of damage. All termites ingest wood based plant materials. All homes no matter what their structure type, offers wood foodstuff for wood eating termites. Wood eating termites go after dead plants and flowers in addition to trees in the dirt. A termite's mouth is efficient at tearing pieces of woody substance. This specific capacity is what causes worry in our dwellings. The average nest of underground termites could ingest 16 grams of wood every day. That is close to 12 pounds of lumber each year. Subterranean termite insects merely measure from 1 cm to a few millimeters in size, their particular feeding routine is perfect for producing costly damage to property.

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