Bartonville, TX Pest Control
Pest Control in Bartonville, TX - At Ameritech Termite & Pest Control we pride ourselves in offering excellent customer service. We have been proudly servicing businesses and homes in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex for over 30 years. If you need any kind of pest control service in Bartonville, contact Ameri-Tech Termite & Pest Control Company. We are a locally owned business that focuses on the total removal of all of your bugs, ants, spiders etc. We care about our customers and you can trust us to do the job right the first time.
Facts About Bartonville, TX - Bartonville, eight miles south of Denton in south central Denton County, was originally part of the Chinn's Chapel settlement, established in 1853 by Elisha Chinn. Chinn's Chapel eventually became three small communities: Shiloh, Waketon, and Bartonville. Bartonville was settled in 1878 and named for T. Bent Barton. In 1886 a local post office was established. In 1890 Bartonville had twenty-five residents and a general store, a gristmill, and a cotton gin, all owned by the Barton family. -TSHA
Bartonville, TX Pest Treatments
United States
47 °F
Bartonville, TX Bedbugs, Fleas & Ticks - Bedbugs are six legged parasitic creatures that draw human and pet blood. Their size is approximately 1/4 of an inch with an oblong flat shape. Their size resembles an apple seed. The top of area of their body has gold colored hair, antennae and cone like eyes. The lower area of their own bodies is wrinkly similar to crinkled paper. Bedbugs can't fly however they can crawl very fast. They increase and multiply within a temperature range of 70 degrees as much as 80 degrees Fahrenheit. A little bed bug, is generally known as a nymph, they are clear in color and changes into a red color after eating. To achieve adulthood, a nymph bed bug needs to shed its skin approximately half a dozen times. An average female can lay 5 up to 7 eggs per week and will produce as much as five hundred eggs throughout its life span of 12 months to 18 months. The eggs will hatch within 6 to 17 days when they become known as nymphs. Bed Bug eggs are resistant to bug sprays. Bed bugs hide in bedding, carpeting, quilts, clothing, underneath wallpaper, under rags, between drape folds, behind wall decors and behind wood furnishings. They love to attack at night and they will remain active until before daybreak. Bedbugs bite exposed skin of a person in an infested bed and then leave reddish colored scratchy dots.
Serving Bartonville, TX
Ameri-Tech Pest Control Bartonville TX 76226 Rodent Control

Rodents In Bartonville, TX
Termite Bartonville, TX
Termite Treatment in Bartonville, TX - Wood eating termites feast upon decomposed vegetation and trees and shrubs within the dirt. A wood eating termite's jaws are capable of tearing pieces of cellulose substance. This capacity is the thing that will cause worry in our dwellings. A normal nest of underground termites may well consume 16 grams of wood on a daily basis. This is about 13 lbs. of wood annually. Subterranean termite laborers only measure from 1 cm to a few millimeters in size, their particular eating routine is effective at producing costly property damage. House footings, furnishings, cabinets and even magazines are eating areas for termites. Termite homes are often formed in the soil.