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Pest Control Garland, TX, From $59.95* Call For Details

Mice & Rodent Control Garland, TX, Bed Bug, Flea & Tick Spraying

Call: 817-589-2844
Garland, TX
Pest Control

Garland, TX, Pest Control

block snailPest Control in Garland, TX - At Ameritech Termite & Pest Control we pride ourselves in offering excellent customer service. We have been proudly servicing businesses and homes in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex for over 30 years. If you need any kind of pest control service in Garland, contact Ameri-Tech Termite & Pest Control Company. We are a locally owned business that focuses on the total removal of all of your bugs, ants, spiders etc. We care about our customers and you can trust us to do the job right the first time.

Facts About Garland, TX - Garland was named for President Grover Cleveland's attorney general, Augustus H. Garland, in 1887, when a new post office was established between the two communities of Duck Creek and Embreeqv. Duck Creek was a station on the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad, and Embree was a station on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe. They had fought over the post office for several years, but in 1887 Congressman Joseph Abbott solved the problem by submitting a bill to Congress to move the post office to a place between the two towns; the new site was called Garland. -TSHA

Garland, TX, Exterminator

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Garland, TX Bedbugs, Fleas & Ticks - Bedbugs are six legged parasitic insects that draw human and pet blood. Their length is around 1/4 of an inch with an oblong flat shape. Their size is similar to an apple seed. The top area of their body has gold colored hair, antennae and cone like eyes. The bottom area of their own bodies is wrinkly just like crinkled paper. Bed bugs cannot fly however they can crawl extremely fast. They develop and multiply inside a temperature range of 70 degrees around 80 degrees. A little bedbug, is called a nymph, they are clear in color and changes into a red color after feeding. To achieve adulthood, a nymph bed bug should shed its skin about five times. A normal female can lay 5 to 7 eggs weekly and can produce up to five hundred eggs throughout its life expectancy of Twelve months to 18 months. The eggs will hatch out in just 6 to 17 days when they become known as nymphs. Bed Bug eggs are resistant to pesticides or herbicides. Bedbugs hide in bedding, carpets, blankets, garments, underneath wallpaper, under rags, between drape folds, behind wall decorations and behind wooden furnishings. They love to attack during the night and they will remain active until prior to daybreak. Bed bugs bite uncovered skin of a person in an infested bed and then leave reddish itchy dots. They just don't wander away from sleeping and relaxing areas but they have the ability to travel in excess of 100 ft throughout the night to look for food.

Serving Garland, TX

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Rodent Control Garland, TX

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Termite Sprayed Garland, TX

Termite Treatment in Garland, TX - Wood eating termites go after decomposed vegetation as well as bushes from the dirt. A termite's teeth are able to tearing components of woody material. This specific capacity is the thing that leads to worry within homes. An average colony of subterranean termites may well ingest sixteen grams of wood a day. This is about 13 lbs. of lumber annually. Termite laborers merely measure from 1 cm to a couple millimeters in size, their particular eating habits are capable of causing costly property damage. House footings, furnishings, shelves and books are all feeding places for harmful termites. Termites are typically referred to as noiseless destroyers, as they in many cases are trying to hide in your home or in your garden without any indication of destruction. All termites ingest cellulose based plant materials.

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