Northlake, TX Pest Control
Pest Control in Northlake, TX - At Ameritech Termite & Pest Control we pride ourselves in offering excellent customer service. We have been proudly servicing businesses and homes in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex for over 30 years. If you need any kind of pest control service in Northlake, contact Ameri-Tech Termite & Pest Control Company. We are a locally owned business that focuses on the total removal of all of your bugs, ants, spiders etc. We care about our customers and you can trust us to do the job right the first time.
Facts About Northlake, TX - Northlake is on Interstate Highway 35W twelve miles southwest of Denton in Denton County. Although it was incorporated during the early 1960s, Northlake experienced little residential development. Its population was estimated at twenty in 1970, 143 in 1980, and 250 in 1990. The building of Alliance Airport a few miles to the south contributed to greater expansion in Northlake during the 1990s. In 2000 the population was 921. -TSHA
Northlake, TX Pest Treatments
United States
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Northlake, TX Bedbugs, Fleas & Ticks - Bedbugs are six legged parasitic insects that draw human and animal blood. Their length is approximately 1/4 inch with an oblong flat form. Their size is similar to an apple seed. The top of area of their body has gold tinted hair, antennae and cone like eyes. The bottom portion of their own bodies is wrinkly similar to crinkled paper. Bedbugs are unable to fly however they can crawl very fast. They will develop and multiply in a temperature range of 70 degrees up to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. A new bed bug, is called a nymph, they are clear in color and changes into a red color after eating. To reach adulthood, a nymph bed bug needs to shed its skin approximately 5 times. The average female can lay 5 up to 7 eggs a week and can produce as much as five-hundred eggs throughout its life-span of 12 months to 18 months. The eggs will hatch within 6 to 17 days when they become known as nymphs. Bed Bug eggs are resistant to pesticides or herbicides. Bedbugs hide in bedding, carpeting, quilts, clothing, underneath wallpaper, under cloths, between window curtain folds, behind wall decors and behind wood home furniture.
Serving Northlake, TX
Termite Treatment Northlake TX 76177 Rodent Control

Rodents In Northlake, TX
Termite Sprayed Northlake, TX
Termite Treatment in Northlake, TX - Subterranean termites are typically referred to as noiseless destroyers, as they are frequently hiding in your house or in your backyard without any indication of destruction. All termites ingest wood based plant materials. All homes whatever their particular construction type, provides wood food for termites. Wood eating termites feast upon decomposed vegetation as well as bushes in the ground. A termite's jaws are efficient at splitting components of woody substance. This particular capacity is what will cause worry within our dwellings.