Lakeside, TX Pest Control
Pest Control in Lakeside, TX - At Ameritech Termite & Pest Control we pride ourselves in offering excellent customer service. We have been proudly servicing businesses and homes in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex for over 30 years. If you need any kind of pest control service in Lakeside, contact Ameri-Tech Termite & Pest Control Company. We are a locally owned business that focuses on the total removal of all of your bugs, ants, spiders etc. We care about our customers and you can trust us to do the job right the first time..
Facts About Lakeside, TX - Lakeside is located on State Highway 199 about eleven miles northwest of downtown Fort Worth in western Tarrant County. This community was named for its geographic location on the shores of Lake Worth. The town had incorporated by 1960 and reported a population of 651. That figure increased to 988 in 1970 and then fluctuated in the 1980s and 1990s. Lakeside has a mayor and city council. In 2000 the population was 1,040. -TSHA
Lakeside, TX Pest Treatments
United States
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Lakeside, TX Bedbugs, Fleas & Ticks - Bedbugs hide in bedding, carpeting, bedsheets, garments, underneath wallpaper, under cloths, between curtain folds, behind wall decors and behind wooden furniture. They like to attack during the night and they will remain active right up until before dawn. Bed bugs bite exposed skin of a person in an infested bed by leaving reddish colored scratchy dots. They just don't wander away from sleeping and relaxing areas however they are able to travel in excess of 100 feet at night time to look for meals. Bed bugs were once terminated in the US however they are making a comeback by making use of international travelers. The most common places to find them are resorts and condo buildings. Bedbugs can survive 12 months without food. This permits them to journey from different places until they found a comforting place with food. They hide on clothes and suitcases of travelers. Additionally they reside in couches and could be transferred from property to property through used furniture. Domestic animals like dogs and cats have thick fur which makes for a fantastic hiding place for bed bugs. Traveling on public transit like shuttle bus, trains and taxi cabs can bring you into contact with bedbugs which you then take to your house.
Serving Lakeside, TX
Ameri-Tech Pest Control Lakeside TX 76108 Rodent Control

Rodents In Lakeside, TX
Termite Treatment Lakeside, TX
Termite Treatment in Lakeside, TX - Subterranean termite homes are usually made around the soil. Inside these mounds, termites build intricate tunnel systems and then use dirt tunnels in which they will access above-ground wood resources. Dry-wood termites reside inside the wood which they eat and moving into and infesting wall space and pieces of furniture. Little techniques produce a big difference with termite prevention and keeping a subterranean termite plan for treatment. Start off by reducing moisture conditions as well as wood eating termite food all around your home. These kind of simple measures make your home a less appealing target, helping deter wood eating termites.